List Reset

Who receives which email or SMS, and who doesn’t? That should be a carefully considered question. It impacts your messages’ deliverability to the inbox and the worth of your list. More emails to the inbox = more sales. We’ll help you restore your list’s health, drawing forth its true value to your brand.

The first metric

Build a reputation with Gmail as a trusted sender of high engagement (opened) emails and then your other metrics improve.

Less can be more

Segmentation of list recipients means you don’t send everything to everyone. Send more often to those who demonstrate wanting more.

Prune for growth

There’s junk on your list. But not as much as you’d expect. Efficiently salvage prospects and reactivate dormant customers.

Summary of the List Reset service

We’ll clean and consolidate your list(s). If you have extra data to enrich (and not clutter) subscriber profiles, we’ll leverage that towards the aim of personalizing messages. We’ll help you segment recipients to be recognized by Gmail has having a healthy list engagement. Preceded by our Retention Audit. Often follows an Email Service Provider platform migration to Klaviyo. Check pricing.


Reasons to do this now:

An unhealthy list

“I know we need to remove old people from our list, but I’m not sure who is worth saving. Do we nuke ’em or keep ’em?” – Brand Owner

Declining open rates

“We’re sending regularly but the segment that’s engaging keeps getting smaller. Are we getting in the inbox? What should we do instead?” – Marketing Manager

Anecdotal complaints

“Our team shares examples of people complaining about our marketing emails. Are we sending too often?” – Customer Experience Director

Promotional lists

“We’ve done giveaways, sometimes with partners, to build our list. I’m not sure it was worth the trouble. What can we salvage? And how do we do it differently next time?” – DTC Marketing Director

How it works

What to expect when you hire us, and how we’ll do this together.

Our part

We’ll consolidate supplementary data sources so as to enrich (and not clutter) a subscriber’s profile of preferences, order history, etc. We’ll import this to your ESP and create segments (more if it’s Klaviyo, less if it’s not). We’ll deliver a recipient plan, a.k.a. a segmentation recipe you’ll follow when sending emails. We’ll refine and prune segments over iterative phases month by month. We’ll monitor results and advise you until we reach our engagement goal.

Your part

You’ll export data from systems. These might include CRM, Ecommerce (Shopify, etc.), Reviews (Yotpo, etc.), Warranty Registrations, Customer Help Desk (Gorgias, etc.), and ESP’s (Mailchimp, etc.). You may subscribe to list cleaning and deliverability tools we may specify. You’ll consider our guidance on who is sent which email. You’ll follow the recipient segmentation recipe we provide, or hire us to do this with you. 

List Reset: why?

This service is a subset of our flagship Retention Reset offering. It’s a foundational part of building your list into a long-term asset.

For those who choose our ecommerce email marketing agency services, the List Reset often precedes it as our first engagement, depending on the seasonality.

Even if you do your own email marketing internally, it’s unlikely your creative internal team has similar experience in optimizing for deliverability. 

1. You've already paid

The visitor traffic that already opted-in has cost you something. Get your return now.

For example, we helped consolidate and reactivate 60% of a 200k list originally collected across multiple European countries spanning 4 brand names. When the owners launched a new, replacement brand, they started with a fresh 120k+ ‘reset’ list.

2. Your brand's MVP

The list of people that open your emails and buy is an asset to be tended. Periodically you’ll want to tidy this and put it in good working order. This List Reset service is like that, and probably overdue. It’s like a splash of detergent and a dosing of fertilizer, each in the right measure.

Clients experience top 10% industry benchmark scores for $ / recipient after 6 months.

3. Multi-channel impact

While savvy merchants can attribute 1/4 of their online store revenues to email, there’s a bigger opportunity for multi-channel. Retail walk-ins and phone orders show sales lifts after our List Reset.

This happens when you get more delivery to the inbox. For example, a client with Shopify POS tracks walk-in and phone orders by email address, the same as Shopify’s online store channel. In Klaviyo, Q4 revenue attributed to email was 142% of online store total revenues after a List Reset in Q2 and Q3 – a 4X improvement over the prior year.




Establish milestones towards 'healthy'

Segment by engagement 

Enrich subscriber profiles

Create recipient segmentation plan

Configure 3rd party apps & tools

Create Campaigns to reactivate

Create Flow automations to reactivate

Iterative phases of cleaning the list

Reporting towards 'healthy' milestones

Duration 3 months

Considering Return on Investment

A simple, thoughtful ROI spreadsheet will help you evaluate the worth of this service. It asks you to consider what ratio of your emails are landing in the inbox, the frequency of sending, the size of your list, and more. Then we’ll forecast how much improvement can be made.

Returns can be 10X to 18X within the first year.

When this service is preceded by our Retention Audit, we’ll have confidence in our forecasted improvement.

Ask us to go through these spreadsheet calculations when you schedule a call. 


When is the best time to do the List Reset?

The best time to do this is 3 months before your peak sales season begins. You want to enter that peak season with Google’s Gmail regarding you as a trusted sender to people who open and click your emails at an above average rate. The next best time is when establishing a sender reputation with a new Email Service Provider.

What's the difference between Advisory & Agency?

Reference the table above with price ranges. With the Agency level of service, we take responsibility from you for its implementation. This is an option only if you are using Klaviyo.  In the Advisory role, we provide a plan, update it monthly, and answer questions as you implement.

Is this for email or SMS?

It’s mostly for email because of email’s commonly much lower open rate than SMS. Open rates are the primary sign of disengagement. Our Audit will reveal whether SMS needs to be part of this Reset service.

Is there a role for postal mail in this reset?

Yes! If you’re willing to send postcards (for example) through the physical mail service, you can target those who would otherwise be culled or pruned from your email list. One complements the other. The cost for postal mailings is additional to the fee ranges described on this page. Shopify stores can use PostPilot for this service.


Advisory & done-with-you services:

Love your list like an MVP

Prune before growth